Education is an important vehicle for poverty reduction. It can be of central importance to a country's development goals such as reducing poverty, inequality and unemployment, enhancing productivity, improving competitiveness and fostering social cohesion.
However, delivering quality education to most of the students in Kwabwai, especially to those who are financially challenged is a huge problem.
This challenge has not only affected the academic performance of these students but also made it difficult for them to get good grades or complete their basic education.
Quality education is achieved when all students in Kwabwai attend school regularly, progress both academically and socially and develop the attitude that learning is an exciting, lifelong activity. To achieve this, I will work with the county, central government and other partners to support teachers and increase their capacity to teach effectively, provide learning materials suitable for all levels, build classrooms to reduce overcrowding, supply libraries to help students develop a love of books and provide computers and Internet access so that our children can be competitive in the modern world.